APPG hosts virtual drop in event for MPs and Peers to show support for Pharmacy

On Wednesday 28th April 2021, the All-Party Pharmacy Group hosted a virtual drop-in event, The Future of Pharmacy – Sustainable Funding, to highlight the massive contribution of pharmacy teams to healthcare and discuss the future of pharmacy funding. At the drop in event, which was attended by Parliamentarians from across the house, frontline pharmacists and George Agathangelou, author of the EY report into pharmacy funding, spoke of the current challenges and opportunities in the pharmacy sector and made the case for a more sustainable funding framework going forward.

At the event, chaired by APPG Chair Jackie Doyle-Price MP, MPs and Peers were shown a short video made in collaboration with pharmacists from across the country which highlighted the important work pharmacies have been carrying out throughout the pandemic and how much more they could do with more funding. You can watch and share the video, here.

Pharmacies have shown themselves to be a valuable member of the NHS family and the APPG wants to see them appropriately recompensed for the NHS services they deliver and funded in a way that is more sustainable and allows them to take on a much bigger role in primary care. We are grateful to all those who joined us for the drop in for showing their support for the pharmacy sector.